MUFG Pension & Market Services A member of MUFG, a global financial group
Listed Irish & UK companies are legally required to keep up-to-date records of all their shareholders on a share register. The company you hold shares in is one of over 1,500 UK companies who have chosen us to manage their shareholder register on their behalf.
Deutsche Bank provides international payment services for commercial and personal customers.
For each dividend payment, we will deduct a €6 administration fee. The remaining balance will then be converted into your required currency.
Some local banks deduct an administration fee when receiving international payments. It is your responsibility to understand any bank charges applied by your local bank, prior to agreeing to the terms and conditions of the service. We recommend that you read the terms and conditions.
You can sign up to the service by completing, signing and returning to us an international mandate form . Where a company provides a Share Portal, and if you are a registered user of this Share Portal, you may submit details of your international mandate online (this option is not available if you are a joint holder of shares in the company).
Your international mandate must reach us by no later than the record date determined by the company in respect of a dividend payment. International mandates received after that date take effect from the next dividend payment.
Yes, where MUFG Corporate Markets manages the company’s shareholdings. You will be required to provide us with details of all the relevant companies on your international mandate.
Payments below €12 will be paid by in the default currency unless the company does not pay by cheque. In this case, the dividends will accrue on your shareholding and be issues once they reach €12.
Yes. You can withdraw from the service at any time. However, your written withdrawal instruction must reach us before the record date prior to a dividend payment, if the service is not to apply to that dividend. Send us your instruction, in English along with your full name, address and your Investor Code (IVC) by post.
Your dividend confirmation will be sent out to you directly at the time of the dividend. If you have chosen payment by currency draft it will be sent under separate cover by Deutsche Bank.
The details you provide us will be securely passed to Deutsche Bank to enable payments to be made. Deutsche Bank will not use your personal details for any other purpose.
If you wish a payment to be made directly into your account you will receive your converted dividends two business days after dividends are paid by the company. Please be aware that this may take longer if there is a problem processing your payment or if we have been provided with insufficient or incorrect information.
If your direct payment fails we will check your original instructions to ensure that there were no errors when registering your mandate. Where errors are discovered we will amend and attempt payment again. If no errors were made by us, we will contact you for new payment details.
As soon as the details of your bank account change it is your responsibility to notify us, in writing. Please note, we may require you to provide proof that you are a named holder on the bank account.
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All material copyright © 2025 MUFG Pension & Market Services. A member of MUFG, a global financial group.