MUFG Pension & Market Services A member of MUFG, a global financial group
Class action services ensures that the needs of the Respondent and the Applicant Lawyers and clients are fully met. Our main deliverables are:
In This Section
We are always ready with new solutions and additional services based on client needs.
The Applicants' scope was to communicate and distribute the court Notice (9 pages in colour including opt-out) to circa 450,000 Group Members in a timely manner. The Respondent’s data was provided on confidential basis to MUFG and upon analysis of the data it was agreed by both lawyers to categorise the communications into three groups of Emails, SMSs and physical mailing only where no other information is available. We were required to physically mail the Notice to the email bounce back category too. The full service was provided in line with the court stipulated time frame, and within the budget. The range of the deliverables covered the following components:
The Applicant required a scheme administration service for circa 50,000 group members with the view of once qualified, the pool of $30m would be distributed based on their verified claims. We were able to assist the Applicant through the provisioning of the following services:
All material copyright © 2025 MUFG Pension & Market Services. A member of MUFG, a global financial group.