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Share Registration

Rated No.1 Registrar by the FTSE 350 in the Capital Analytics UK 2024 survey, we have a long track record of industry firsts working closely with our clients to deliver shareholder services for companies and funds listed on London’s Main or AIM markets, Euronext Dublin, the International Stock Exchange and many others across the world.

As the number one registrar, with a long track record of industry firsts, we work closely with our clients to deliver shareholder services for companies listed on Euronext Dublin  and many others across the world.

Knowing what good looks like underpins every aspect of our team of experts in Ireland's comprehensive service offering. That’s why we're trusted to support advisers, company secretaries and boards of some of the most distinguished listed companies.

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Share Registration IPO Corporate Actions Depository Interest
2024 Cap An FTSE
Pat Odonoghue

Pat O’Donoghue
Managing Director, Link Registrars Limited
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Ireland services brochure










Solutions to optimise your share register activities 

Our tech-enabled services offer the latest industry technologies supported by our experienced team of subject matter experts. We offer a personal, collaborative, and proactive approach designed to continuously drive cost-efficiencies and increase shareholder engagement.

Our core Share Registration services include:

  • Maintaining and updating your Register of Members
  • Corporate Actions (Takeovers, Scheme of Arrangement, Rights Issues, Open Offers, Tender Offers, Capital Reorganisations and much more)
  • Providing an online platform for shareholders and employees to view their shareholding, self-manage their accounts and register their communication and payment preferences
  • Responding to shareholder queries – written / telephone / email
  • Local call centre
  • Multi-currency dividend payments, DWT statements and reconciliation of the dividend bank accounts
  • Supporting your general meetings, including virtual and / or Hybrid AGMs, proxy voting and planning
  • Scrutineer services
  • Management of your shareholder meetings, welcoming and registering all attendees and collating resolutions votes

A full-service offering

We offer a comprehensive range of products to address any financial administration requirements, with subject matter experts ranging from proxy solicitation, company secretarial support, investor relations and corporate actions.

Driving user engagement through technology

We are investing £tens of millions and delivering new capabilities to issuers and their shareholders, comprising 3 main strategic technology programmes: